Saturday, January 3, 2009


Things have been pretty crazy these past few months. Since June i've covered the College World Series in Omaha, the search for Steve Fossett in Mammoth Lakes, and The New Mexico Bowl in Albuquerque.

It seems like i'm moving up at the station, but i'm not really making what I feel i'm worth. In the past year I feel that I have proven myself in valuable by learning everything I can do, and doing it well.

I'm finally to the point where they are asking me for advice and the best course of action. I really hope things get better by the end of 2009. If i'm unable to negotiate for what I feel i'm worth, i'm either gonna have to settle for 2 more years and try again or move away. I'd like to stay here, but I feel it's time to move on.

That's how this business works, you have to move away to move up. Even though that means I lose my seniority, I can get more benefits and more pay from a new station. I'm really hoping I can just get the station to match/beat the new place's offer(if there even is one) and just sick around.

Here's hoping I have a job in a year!

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