Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Dog day afternoon....

In at 3 and sent by myself to Selma for a story about car port covers and how they're violating some code or something I don't really pay much attention to these things. What sticks with me is that I have to cover the council meeting about it which starts at 7, but between then and 7 I had to find houses that had the covers. I hit the drive-thru, hook up some trance piped in from France, and I'm off.
I get to Selma, find a residential part and start circling the neighborhoods. The whole while trying to not look like a predator/prowler and making sure not to double back. By the time I find my first one, my phone starts ringing. I shoot it really quick and I'm off to Del Ray for another story about a man who beat his mom and said she fell.
All I'm told is the block that it happened on and I need to try to talk t lock, but it's in the middle of a bunch of farms. There are about 5 houses as far as I can see in each direction, I made it to 3 before I found his house. These are tricky/scary situations, you never know what's going to happen, how people are going to react. I'm not there to badger anyone, if they don't want to talk, that's fine, I'm just there to give them a chance to tell their side of the story.
I pull up and because of mud, I have to park a little ways away. As I'm walking to the house I hear this noise, I look up....and Cujo is running full speed. My heart does a couple of beats when I think he's chained up, but freezes again when I see the chain goes from the doghouse to nothing...
So the dogs getting closer, and I'm inching back to the car, sweating bullets, about to crap myself. I'm searching for my keys, the dogs setting me in his sights, I get the keys to the door, but it's too late and he's right on top of me. I turn to face him, ready to fight off this beast.... this ferocious beast, I'm face to face with the biggest cutest puppy ever.
He's jumping all over me, tail wagging, all excited, starving for attention. I make my way up to the door trying to play with their dog as little as possible. No one answers, so I move across the street and get some shots of the house. The dog sees me and decided to join me, but not before almost getting hit running across the road. The dog really wanted to come with me, the thing was a small horse, so it took some effort to push it back enough to close the door. Then as I tried to drive away, it was almost herding me. I was afraid I was going to hit it, so I floored it to try to get ahead of it. Right when I think I'm in the clear he hangs a right and a swerve to avoid him, now I'm in the on coming lane. I'm finally like fuck it, I scream at the dog and go for it. He finally gave up and just stood in the lane as I drove away. It was the saddest thing, to look back in the rearview mirror and see that. Che , and went back to Selma, found some more houses, went to the meeting and brought it back.

1 comment:

Ben said...